Diane Vogel Ferri’s full-length poetry book is Everything is Rising (Luchador Press). Her latest novel is No Life But This: A Novel of Emily Warren Roebling (Atbosh Media) Her essays have been published in The Cleveland Plain Dealer, Scene Magazine, and Yellow Arrow Journal, among others. Her poems can be found in numerous journals such as Wend Poetry, Blue Heron Review, Rubbertop Review, and Poet Lore. Her previous publications are Liquid Rubies (poetry), The Volume of Our Incongruity (poetry), and The Desire Path (novel). She has done many poetry readings locally. Diane’s essay, “I Will Sing for You” was featured at the Cleveland Humanities Festival in 2018. A former teacher, she holds an M.Ed from Cleveland State University and is a founding member of Literary Cleveland. Her poem, For You, was nominated for a Pushcart Prize and Best of The Net 2023

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Ode to Writers

Becoming a writer is about becoming conscious. Anne Lamott

I imagine God looking down with his big brown eyes
filtering from his view all but the writers.
Those millions he blessed/cursed with the drive
the compelling wordneed - through the eras and ages.

God noted the spark of hope in every writer
that someone would read the words
in their singular arrangements
and behold the brilliance of the brain.

Even now we are holding pens
we are clawing at paper napkins
we are stuffing our pockets, speaking into recorders
clacking away at keyboards -

and we can't stop
and we can't stop

watching creation spew out of our minds
into our hands
splayed across the screen
something that didn't exist yesterday.


Moohaa said...

That was very well put. Can't tell you how many napkins, tiny tablet papers, even pen on the hand writings I have had.

Crusty suggested I come visit. I'm gonna look around. Loving your blog already, though!

Take care...

Moohaa said...

Thats interesting that you mentioned your legs being different lengths. My hips are tilted at a 1 1/2 inch angle. Course it was a chiropractor doing it, but it made sense. I've been telling my hubby I have felt crooked for months. I will ask for an xray when I go in. Thanks for the comments!

Mary said...

I too found your blog through Crusty. Her blog praised your novel, "Flying Over Midnight." Being an avid reader, I immediately followed her link to the book - it is now on "Mary's Official Wish List." Yes I have a wish list for books and music.

I'm not a writer. My present career is being nothing other than wife to a loving husband, mom to a blended family (3 boys, 1 girl; all grown), and nana to 3 with another due soon. It's a career I love. I've truly enjoyed reading your blog this morning and am adding your site to my 'regulars' reading list.

CRUSTY MOM-E said...

YEA!!! for my wonderful friend!!! I hope there's lots of snow by you today!