If tomorrow comes
and we, who love the world,
whose vested interests are in the stranger,
in liberty and justice for all,
we stakeholders who yearn for decency,
empathy, even propriety—
if tomorrow comes and we are soul-crushed
it won’t be because we are the losers,
it will be for another human who has lost a choice,
a job, a loved one, a physician, a civil right, a home,
it will be for the mother who fled from danger
and the imprisoned child who did no wrong,
it will be for the flooded homes and incinerated towns.
If we, the stakeholders in this game of chance
are given a harrowing verdict, we will carry on
because God brought another baby here today,
because people will still teach, heal, and donate,
people will still protest, hope, and pray, because
time will pass and the world will keep turning
and evolving, because restoration is possible,
and our love for humanity and creation
can never be voted out.