Monday, April 13, 2009

The Evil Scale

There is a horrifying number
between my feet.
It is one I have not seen before.

I have lightened myself
as much as I could so why
did I step up and look at the floor?

Denial, sacrifice, martyrdom, oh my!
I am adipose, apoplexic
and mortified.

Now my day is ruined
as I obsess over why.
One blissful meal and now I want to cry.

Why is it a sin to enjoy
the fruits of God's good earth?
Why does the scale take away my mirth?

I am innocent!
I don't deserve this I say.
After all, I exercised just yesterday.

You pig, you slug
into the mirror I say,
but the scale doesn't lie about how much I weigh.


Cheryl said...

SO well said!!!

Daniel Bell said...

Get off it! Both literally off the scale and figuratively. Good poem but bad attitude. You are the best looking woman "of a certain age" that I've ever known. If your clothes fit, your husband loves you and you see a smile staring back at you when you look in the mirror in the morning, you can afford to toss that scale in the trash.

Love ya.

Susan's Snippets said...


I agree with Daniel....don't fuss too much!!

about weight and such

Jan said...

You expressed how I'm feeling!

Cliff said...

I don't let the scales
Remove from me mirth
Because all the mirrors
Reveal to me girth

Julie said...

I love it! Again, you make me laugh at myself, Diane. I know I shouldn't obsess over pounds, but I do. I especially love the fourth stanza. "Now my day is ruined" is so true. I love the title, too!

Daniel does have a good point. Your picture is beautiful.

But the poem is wonderful and helps remind women like me how ridiculous we act about numbers on a scale. Thank you for posting it!

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

It's a good expression of the way women can feel.

rosebuckle said...

We all have things about ourselves we don't like and need a humorous take on them.
I think your poem is a delightful example of humor.
Everybody else...LIGHTEN UP! :)

Diane Vogel Ferri said...

Thank you Rosebuckle! It was SUPPOSED to be funny!

RachelW said...

Evil, evil scale! Best not to have one in the house at all. I didn't have one for years, not wanting to see anorexia return.