NO LIFE BUT THIS: A Novel of Emily Warren Roebling is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

It is biographical fiction based on the life of Emily Warren Roebling considered to be the first female field engineer and highly instrumental in the building of the Brooklyn Bridge.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Madeleine L'Engle

Madeleine L'Engle wrote dozens of books many of them her own journals which I always found inspirational and quotable. L'Engle's most famous book is probably the young adult novel "A Wrinkle in Time."

I looked through one of my favorites "A Circle of Quiet", published in 1972 and found these words:

I haven't defined a self, nor do I want to. A self is not something static, tied up in a pretty parcel and handed to the child, finished and complete. A self is always becoming. Being does mean becoming, but we run so fast that it is only when we seem to stop - as sitting on the rock at the brook - that we are aware of our own is-ness, of being. But certainly this is not static, for this awareness of being is always a way of moving from the selfish self - the self-image - and towards the real.
Who am I, then? Who are you?

Madeleine L'Engle lived from 1918 - 2007. Read more about her HERE.


Erin O'Brien said...

Love L'Engle. "A Wrinkle in Time" was the first book that changed me in the subtle way of books.

(M)ary said...

I recently read one of L'Engle's adult books and realized what I had been missing. I knew her from the Wrinkle in Time series but she has much to offer to the adult reader too.

Moohaa said...

Lovely quote. She is a beautiful writer.

Rob-bear said...

I had the privilege of studying with her one summer years ago. She was an amazing woman.