NO LIFE BUT THIS: A Novel of Emily Warren Roebling is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

It is biographical fiction based on the life of Emily Warren Roebling considered to be the first female field engineer and highly instrumental in the building of the Brooklyn Bridge.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Voting Day 2008

At first I thought the early morning exhilaration was from the knowledge that it's finally over!!! But then I realized that the joy I felt in voting this morning was more than that. It was a feeling of hope. It was hope in my future and the security of retirement someday. It was hope in my children's future. It was the hope of real change in this country. It was hope in educational reform that will touch the children I work with everyday.

Some people get upset with the idea of someone not voting as they are. I do not. I know that everyone has valid reasons for choosing their candidate. We all vote our conscience. And after all the name-calling, ridiculous emails and misleading advertisements - we all vote for the person that strikes us as the most capable, reasonable and with the most integrity. I believe that Barack Obama and John McCain are both decent, intelligent, capable men who love their country.
I think we've all felt the stirring of something new in the air, something uplifting after years of war and the downward spiral of our economy. I don't remember feeling this way on other voting days. I sensed the privilege of what I did this morning more than I ever have. I believe the best man will win today.
God Bless America.


Choralgrrl said...

The privilege. Yep. Felt like a privilege for the first time in a long time today!

Moohaa said...

God bless America indeed.

SandyCarlson said...

The line at the polling station in my little town was forever long, and the ladies running the show moved us through like a well-oiled machine. I felt very grateful to participate in this process. I hope things go smoothly across the country and that we have a decision that serves us well!

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Yes, it did feel different this time.

Cheryl said...

I was excited to be in a long line today. There was a feeling of camaraderie and pride in the air.

Anonymous said...

It's so nice to hear your tone here. I know people who get in shouting matches over whose party is best. This is a very thoughtful piece. Thanks again for sharing.