Saturday, February 28, 2009
There's Nothing Wrong With Your Face
Lately I've been glaring into mirrors
picking myself apart
you'd think at my age I'd have thought of
something better to do
than make insecurity into a full-time job
make insecurity into an art
I fear my life will be over
and I will never have lived it unfettered
always glaring into mirrors
mad I don't look better
But now here's this tiny baby
and they say she looks just like me
and she is smiling at me
with that present/infant glee
and I would defend
to the ends of the eath
her perfect right to be
So I'm beginning to see some problems
with the ongoing work of my mind
and I've got myself a new mantra
it says: don't forget to have a good time!
Don't let the sellers of stuff power enough
to rob you of your grace
love is all over the place
there's nothing wrong with your face
love is all over the place
there's nothing wrong with your face
Friday, February 27, 2009
Loud Silence
to be quiet with God -
for I cannot hear Him
over the din of children in school halls,
the vacuum sucking dirt from my rugs
or the traffic sounds on my daily route.
The only sound was the speaking of my failures
and fears as I curled up in His open hand
to find grace with no language.
What will I do with something
I cannot attach words to?
Stop and wait for His poetry, not mine.
I heard the vocalizing of my tears
as they washed my corneas of the world,
making way for new eyes.
My nativity was at the bedside,
sore knees, leaking nose and a vow to
stop assigning God new jobs and accept
the one He's given me.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Lent in Your Messy House
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
What I Fear
our graceful willow tree with power
to transform it into fuel for campfires.
Sudden sounds - the thunderclap
after the lightning, firecrackers
shooing geese off the neighbor's lawn,
popping balloons, a phone call in the night.
Fire - in the children's ward so long ago
I saw a little boy's charred skin.
Burning leaves in ditches, infernos
that smell like childhood.
Flames haunted my dreams -
dreams of saving
my little brother and sister
as they rolled towards the orange heat.
Wasting time - always in a rush
to accomplish something, leave something behind
with the prescient knowledge
of life's brevity and its immutable end.
I fear - my children making the same
mistakes their parents made,
and I would live in a fiery thundercloud
and be struck by lightning
if I could keep that from happening.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Only Breath

Saturday, February 21, 2009
Bad News, Very Bad News

Friday, February 20, 2009
Happy Friday Haiku
as you did when Dad held you
in strong and safe arms
(Happy Birthday Dad!)
This shell, this vessel
can succeed or disappoint
fighting fat daily
Years have come and passed
hands rise to cover her ears
and her weeping eyes
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Coexist XX
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
on delicate places
the innocence of the white paper
its purity defies
the pain it can hold
in flat black words
in the slicing of your skin
Monday, February 16, 2009
COEXIST XIX - Forgiveness
Man Asks Entire Town for Forgiveness for Racism
Nearly half a century ago, in a very different America, Elwin Wilson and John Lewis met under a veil of violence and race-inspired hate.
Wilson, a young, white Southern man, attacked Lewis, a freedom rider for Martin Luther King, in the "white" waiting room of a South Carolina bus station.
The men had not seen each other again until Tuesday when, with "Good Morning America's" help, Wilson approached Lewis again - this time offering an apology and a chance to relieve a burden he's carried for more than four decades.
"I'm so sorry about what happened back then," Wilson said breathlessly.
"It's OK. I forgive you," Lewis responded before a long-awaited hug.
For Lewis, who in the intervening years became a US representative from Georgia, the apology was an unexpected symbol of the change in time and hearts.
The outburst Wilson said, was just part of a life of hate he led for years.
"I had a black baby doll in the house, and I had a little rope, and I tied it to a limb and let it hang there," he said. Wilson went back to a diner where he threw eggs. He went all around town, apologizing to anyone he may have wronged. Pretty soon, he found out that one of the men he wanted to apologize to was a US representative.
"I never thought this would happen," Lewis told GMA, "It says something about the power of love, of grace, the power of the people being able to say,'I'm sorry' and move on. And I deeply appreciate it. It's very meaningful for me."
On the President's Day I am thinking Abe would be proud too.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Hapy Valentine's Day
If you look in the mirror at the end of a hard day
and you know in you heart you have not lied
and if you gave love freely, if you earned an honest wage
and if you've got Jesus by your side
you can thank the Father for the things that He has done
and thank Him for the things He's yet to do
and if you find someone who's tender
if you find someone who's true
thank the Lord
He's been doubly good to you.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Valentine from the Past
I only knew a Valentine
six years ago
when you became mine
grace revealed
in a burning love
we go in passionate waves
were you before
when I thought I knew of love?
your arms around me
are life-giving and we have created
memories in the cradle of our united life
when you are unaware
my bond and gratitude
are ever-present
I asked you to stay
and share the journey with me
I feel the same
only more
Thursday, February 12, 2009
It's Good to be an American
New Delhi, India
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
My High School Art Teacher and Frank Lloyd Wright

Monday, February 9, 2009
Sunday, February 8, 2009
with love
When I ask myself
am I a spark or an ash
I will turn away
from the ocean of self-doubt
to belief
I will write my birth poems
and sing my praise songs
I will kiss my life
before I sleep this night
I only desire to be known
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Coexist XVIII - Differing Viewpoints
1. The campaign is over. Barack Obama is our president.
2. I am one of those who is choosing hope over fear. I have to because in the past eight years my stocks and retirement accounts have greatly diminished, 3.6 million Americans have lost their jobs since December 2007, sons and daughters my own children's ages are traumatized and dying from two wars, our country is eight years behind scientifically (science that my God created in His wisdom), and as a public school teacher I have seen first-hand the devastating effects of No Child Left Behind. I have to hope for something better.
3. No matter what I thought of our last president I constantly reminded my students that, as our president, he was to be respected. Now I get emails disrespecting a president that has been in office a whopping three weeks. Give the guy a chance.
4. You do not have to agree with me, but I don't have to agree with you either. Let's COEXIST and maybe do our part to bring this country back together again.
5. Luke 11:17 Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall.