Monday, June 22, 2009

An Oddity of Nature

This morning, while leaving on my 7am walk, I noticed that these little webs were all over my front yard. They were not there yesterday or now. They look like spider webs, but when I searched the Internet for a name I couldn't find anything that looked the same. My hubby said they were tent caterpillars, but (he's almost always right) the description I read did not fit. Can anyone out there solve the mystery?


Ms Hen's said...

i have no idea.. very interesting.. did you open up to see what is under them??? Or you don't want to disturb nature?

james2285 said...

We have them here in MI as well i think they are the popler tree seeds. The breeze collects them into piles. just a guess.

Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

No idea here. I like james2285's idea though.

Ms Hen's said...

Came back to check what it was... got me curious. :)