NO LIFE BUT THIS: A Novel of Emily Warren Roebling is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

It is biographical fiction based on the life of Emily Warren Roebling considered to be the first female field engineer and highly instrumental in the building of the Brooklyn Bridge.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Basket O' Flip-flops (and other summer stuff)

One thing I love about summer - my Basket O' Flip-flops. My feet are free!! It's all I wear from April through October (if at all possible). I also love going barefoot. When I was a teen I would walk on the steamy asphalt to toughen up my feet for the season. Even though I have a whole basket of flip-flops I have a favorite pair every year - I've been wearing the black Reebok pair all winter as slippers (sometimes with socks if it's really cold.) I bought a pair of black "Born" flippies this spring - they were $95! But at DSW with 80% off they were a steal (and very impressive). Of course they aren't as comfie as my foot-molded Reeboks, so I'll have to break them in.

One thing I hate about summer - that weightless, wispy, lifeless, yellowish stuff on top of my head. Today was the first day that seemed a little humid and when I looked in the mirror I was reminded of how ridiculous my hair looks all summer. How horrible it looks in every vacation photo. Hate, loathe, detest, abhore, despise - these are not nearly strong enough verbs to describe how I feel about my hair. It does absolutely nothing that normal hair does. In the winter I can hold it in a satisfactory human-looking place with hairspray - but summer is hopeless, no matter the products or cut.

Is this why I cannot bring myself to enter a salon? I hate the whole experience, no matter how nice the stylists are. This week I decided that a cut would help. Making an appointment was on my list of things to do all week - but I cannot bring myself to do it - it's like torture to me - having someone focus on my hair, telling me about all the products and styles that work on everyone (but me). I am only capable of cutting my hair on the spur of the moment - so I do it myself. (I know - I see all of you shuddering out there.) I've actually gotten quite good at it. In analyzing myself I think I just don't want to be let down as I have so many times - if it sucks it's my own fault.

So I just cut about an inch and a half off and put in a couple weak layers - and it looks pretty much the same as it's looked since my first grade school picture - a little blond bob - BORING! It's my cross to bear. Maybe in heaven I'll have thick hair.


Ruth Hull Chatlien said...

Diane, I know you said you've tried a lot of products, but just in case, have you tried Sabino Moisture Block? If your hair absorbs too much humidity, this will help.
It helps keep moisture in hair that tends to be dry, and it keeps moisture out of hair that tends to frizz or go flat in humidity.

It might be worth a try if you've never used it.

P.S. Your hair looks great in your blog photo. I'll bet it doesn't look as bad to other people as you think.

Scott R. Davis said...

very nice blog. well written. you are great with words and pictures. your marilyn monroe painting is captured well in how you dressed her and had her innocence. May you be blessed in your transitions in life. In His grace, scott

found your site thru Ruth's site. Peace scott

Anonymous said...

Flip-flops! I just bought two new pair yesterday. I love living in Hawaii. They are considered acceptable dress wear and I even wear them to work!

Edna said...

Last year after maybe 30 years, I had my hair cut at a local salon. I paid, with tip, about $25. Mary did such a great job that I decided to go back again! The next time I went Mary wasn't there. The women who did my hair this next time did a job that was no better than what I usually do! So I haven't been back there again. Diane,I once told you that we had a lot in common. Now I find out that we both cut our own hair. Just one more thing!

Lena said...

I love getting my hair cut and having someone fuss with my hair.

I agree with Ruth above, your hair looks great in the blog photo!!!

Cheryl said...

I'm sorry that you didn't get good hair, and I must say I'm impressed that you cut it yourself. I just looked over your are one talented and blessed lady. The hair is minor in the scheme of things, right? Still...I do understand.